Chat Club with Walter Lindner

Today, Walter Lindner is our guest in the Chat Club. Together we look back on his exciting life as a diplomat and his journey around the world at a time when it was still possible to travel to India by land. The legendary Hippie Trail was also the beginning of his lifelong love affair with India, where he also held his last post as German ambassador.

Lindner was socialised by the Beatles and Hermann Hesse's ‘Siddhartha’, which also laid the foundation for his longing for India.

"Make the World a Better Place ’
That is Lindner's drive and his motto in life. After studying law, he joined the diplomatic service and had a variety of assignments throughout his career. Among other things, we talk about how he became the German government's Ebola commissioner and how he remembers his trip to Africa and the frightening emergence of the disease in the affected countries.

Insights into the everyday life of an ambassador
We talk about his everyday life as an ambassador, the challenges and experiences that make up this special profession. From diplomatic receptions and negotiations to cultural events - Lindner gives us an exclusive insight into the life of an ambassador.

Fascination India
Lindner's love of India, which has accompanied him throughout his life, is particularly fascinating. He talks about his first encounters with Indian culture, his fascination with spirituality and the country's colourful traditions. His assignment as German ambassador to India was probably the highlight of his career.

Talking to Walter Lindner at the Chat Club was an inspiring journey through an impressive life full of commitment and adventure. His motto ‘Make the world a better place’ is not just a phrase, but a lived reality that inspires us all to do our bit for a better future.

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