May 8, 2024 in Geopolitics

The Interface of Sociology and Geopolitics - In Conversation with Armin Nassehi

‘Geopolitics always has to do with interests,’ says Armin Nassehi in our exclusive interview.

In our exclusive interview with Armin Nassehi, Professor of Sociology at LMU Munich, we explore the role of sociology in geopolitics and in particular in the current multi-crisis situation.

Return of geostrategy to the agenda

As a sociologist, Armin Nassehi is currently interested in the fact that the return of geostrategy to the agenda has led to great uncertainty in society. And as a political advisor, he realises that there are more and more occasions for sociologists to provide political advice, but unfortunately also more and more resistance to it.

Autocracies on the rise

We talk to him about the influence of social structures on geopolitics and what the growing number of autocracies means for Europe.

Nassehi's main areas of research

Armin Nassehi primarily researches how decisions are made in complex situations and how different social perspectives come together in business, politics, science, media and culture.

Armin Nassehi intervenes publicly and at the same time is firmly anchored academically as a professor. He is a gifted communicator and passionate speaker and one of his up-to-the-minute keynote topics is ‘Risks and dangers - dealing with uncertainty’.