April 9, 2024 in Geopolitics

Geopolitics-Talk with Melinda Crane

"A new era may be on its way if Donald Trump is re-elected" - Melinda Crane says in our exclusive geopolitics talk

Geopolitics-Talk with Melinda Crane

Popular presenter and speaker

Melinda Crane is chief correspondent at Deutsche Welle TV. The journalist and publicist is known to German television audiences as a presenter and expert on business journalism, geopolitical and transatlantic topics. Melinda Crane analyses and comments on German, European and international politics for various television channels.

She is not only a much sought-after presenter for high-calibre events, but also an accomplished speaker on geopolitical topics such as the USA, Europe and Africa. She already focussed on the African countries in her dissertation, which have been particularly close to her heart ever since.

Will there be decoupling between the West and China?

We had the opportunity to speak exclusively with Melinda Crane in Berlin. She answers our questions about the upcoming US elections and their possible outcome. What will the world look like if Donald Trump becomes US president again and will he be better prepared for his possible election this time? What geopolitical challenges will the United States face?

What will happen in the Middle East? And is peace in Ukraine in sight? What role does the USA still play as a mediator in both conflicts? According to Melinda Crane, many Americans no longer want to take part in these "endless wars".

New coalitions are needed

Africa and China's role in African countries are also topics of our insightful discussion. Melinda Crane sees building new coalitions as the way forward in the context of global trade and Africa.