April 19, 2024 in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, Society and Ethics - An Exclusive Interview with Armin Nassehi

"Artificial intelligence is as ambivalent as any technology" - says Professor Armin Nassehi in our exclusive interview about the social impacts of AI.

Armin Nassehi is Professor of Sociology at LMU Munich, author of contemporary books and an intellectual par excellence. His research focuses on how decisions are generated in complex situations, making him the perfect interview partner for our exclusive AI Talk.

Answers to big questions

In this interview, he explores the big questions of the impact of artificial intelligence on our society and how we actually define artificial intelligence. Which benefits does AI have for us and which harm can it cause? Does AI jeopardise democracy, for example? Armin Nassehi notes that this discussion has always been taking place about all technologies - be it the splitting of atoms or the invention of television, which was initially accused of symbolically "flattening" information. However, it should also be emphasised that thanks to simpler pattern recognition, the possible applications of AI are very diverse and wide-ranging, as Armin Nassehi explains using a few examples.

Ethical aspects

Of course, we also talk about the important ethical aspects of artificial intelligence and examine the ethical consequences of incorrectly programmed technologies.

Effects of artificial intelligence

Together with Armin Nassehi, we examine the impact of AI on society, the economy and our personal lives and take a fascinating journey through the complex world of artificial intelligence, which encourages us to think not only about its technological possibilities, but also about its social and ethical implications.